No-Cook Chicken Rice Salad Recipe – 5 Easy Steps

chicken rice salad

No-Cook Chicken Rice Salad Recipe – 5 Easy Steps

A bowl of chicken rice salad is a filling and satisfying natural dinner. Tastes of cooked chicken, tender small bits, and excitement from well-matched spices and add-ins can make you even more hungry. You can make a no-cook meal on warm summer nights with a rotisserie or quickly prepared chicken.

Basically, it’s a best dish salad packed full of vegetables, but it also goes well with simply sautéed garlic broccoli or asparagus with remoulade and egg.

With this article, we’ll discover the ingredients, instructions, and nutritional value of the chicken rice salad recipe, so you can also try it today.

Is Chicken Rice a Junk Food or a Healthy Diet?

Fernando confirms that eating chicken and rice is typically a healthful meal. She states, “Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates, and chicken is high in protein, both of which are important macronutrients that fuel your body to operate at its best.”

However, how” you cook it determines how healthful it is. According to Fernando, “fried chicken “, or lunch meat, pumped full of extra preservatives to keep it fresh, makes for unhealthy options. Instead, try baked, roasted, or stir-fried chicken.”

However,” sauces packed with sugar and filling your plate with unnecessary calories shouldn’t be thickened.

Ingredients Required for Chicken Rice Salad Recipe

The components listed (you may use diced bell peppers or zucchini) and the recommended cutting sizes for the different veggies (you can chop your items fine or leave them in more giant cubes) are both quite flexible in this recipe.

  • Olive oil
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Cooked chicken – You may prepare the chicken in any way you like (poached, grilled, roasted, etc.), so any leftover chicken that has just been cooked is OK. Depending on your preference, you can use either dark or white meat.
  • Cooked & cooled rice – This salad is great for leftover rice! Use brown, jasmine, or even wild rice instead of white or brown rice.
  • Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Red onion
  • Fresh flat-leaf parsley

Time to Prepare: Chicken Rice Salad Recipe

The preparation of rice chicken salad is effortless. Here’s what there’s to do:

  • Cook the rice in a large pot.
  • In the meantime, place a nonstick frying pan over a medium-high flame with one tablespoon of olive oil. Cook chicken breast for four minutes on each side or until cooked through and juices run clear. Before slicing, move the chicken to a platter and sprinkle with one tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Add the broccoli and simmer for 3 minutes, or until tender, after the rice has been cooked for 22 minutes. Empty and put back into the pan. Add the capsicum, corn, and zucchini and stir to mix.
  • Mix the leftover oil, honey, lemon zest, and juice in a dish, and any chicken juices resting using a fork or whisk. Add half of the chives and stir to mix. Whisk everything together after adding the dressing to the skillet containing the rice mixture. Add freshly ground black pepper for seasoning.
  • Serve – Now you have prepared the salad, it’s time to eat the chicken brown rice salad at room temperature. To serve, divide the rice salad among four dishes and garnish with the chicken, feta, almonds, and remaining chives.

Can You Store Chicken Rice Salad?

The best thing about this salad is storing it for a couple of days and eating it later.

  • Make Ahead: Rice salad is a great dish to prepare in advance for potlucks, picnics, and meal prep. For maximum flavour melding, preparing it a day in advance is recommended.
  • Refrigerator: Store it in an airtight container for three to four days. Remove it 15 to 30 minutes before serving to enhance the flavour.
  • Freezer: We do not advise storing this dish in the freezer.

Nutrition Value

Here is the nutritional value of a bowl of chicken rice salad,

  • Calories – 590cal
  • Protein – 36.9g
  • Total Fat – 25.1g
  • Saturated Fat – 5.6g
  • Carbohydrates – 51.1g
  • Sugar – 17.2g
  • Dietary Fibre – 7.9g
  • Calcium – 137mg
  • Iron – 2.4mg

This nutrition analysis serves merely as a reference. The precise elements employed will determine how a specific nutrition is composed.

Does Chicken Salad Help Weight Loss?

There are a few things to consider while eating chicken salad, but it can help reduce weight. First things first, learn to regulate your portions. Losing weight is hampered by overindulging in meals, even filling and healthful ones.

One low-fat item that helps with satiety is chicken, as it contains proteins. The other item, salad, has low-calorie veggies that might help control your appetite.

Even though chicken rice salads are nutritious foods, how the salad is dressed, or the chicken is cooked might cause you to gain weight.

Moreover, one meal cannot cause you to lose weight. In this way, salad with chicken helps you with your diet, but more is needed. Your whole diet should be modified to reflect good nutrition.

Wrapping Up

Chicken rice salad is one of the healthiest and most delicious salads you can prepare for yourself or others. Using our instructions, making a chicken rice salad bowl would be easy.

However, you can add some more ingredients according to your preference or add more nutrients. So, what are you waiting for?

Gather the ingredients, cook the rice and start making American-style chicken salad for your lunch or dinner today. Check out Foodcharger for more wonderful & delicious recipes.

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